Our ten-day workshop is intended for kids from grades 5-8 with no coding experience required. The goal of this class is to introduce kids the fundamentals of Python and programming and along the way, develop their problem-solving ability.
Register NowStudents will be introduced to various topics including Data Types, Error Messages, Conditional Statements, Loops, Classes, Functions, Basic Data Type Methods, Basic Modules, Practice Debugging, Fun Projects
You'll need a Laptop and Charger, a copy of Python 3.x.x and a copy of PyCharm Community Edition. You can use another IDE if desired, but please notify us in advance. If you are having any troubles or have any questions, please contact us.
You'll need a Laptop and Charger, a copy of Python 3.x.x and a copy of PyCharm Community Edition. You can use another IDE if desired, but please notify us in advance. If you are having any troubles or have any questions, please contact us.
STAC Programming's Python 1 Course requires no prior coding knowledge, but it is helpful to have a basic understanding of algebra.
Our ten day workshop is intended for students with prior knowledge and experience of coding and Python. The class will reinforce students' prior understanding of python and continue to introduce new concepts to the students. The curriculum is designed to challenge students and push them to improve their algorithmic thinking.
Register NowStudents will review concepts taught in Python 1 and will be introduced to various other topics including Handling Exceptions, Working with data files, Additional python language features, Algorithmic Skills​, Recursion​, Sorting Algorithms, Challenging Problems, and various python libraries
You'll need a Laptop and Charger, a copy of Python 3.x.x and a copy of PyCharm Community Edition. You can use another IDE if desired, but please notify us in advance. If you are having any troubles or have any questions, please contact us.
You'll need a Laptop and Charger, a copy of Python 3.x.x and a copy of PyCharm Community Edition. You can use another IDE if desired, but please notify us in advance. If you are having any troubles or have any questions, please contact us.
We recommend that before taking STAC Programming's Python 2 Course, you take our Python 1 Course. It is also helpful to have a basic understanding of sixth-grade level mathematics.